The Bigger Picture – Giving Back To Our Community

As long as there has been a Dwarsrivier farm, there have been workers, but how do they fit into the bigger picture? Wine has become more complex than ever with every aspect of it questioned by a demanding, socially responsible market. This leaves the producer with far more responsibilities than ever before, not only towards the workers, but also to the landscape within which the end product is rooted.

Here are some of the aspects that we have tackled over the past few years:

  • Our farm children attend two schools: Clanwilliam Senior Secondary School and Elizabethfontein Primary School in the Pakhuis region. We can proudly say that currently everyone 18 years old and younger living on the farm is at school.
  • For the last two years, a local private social worker, a veritable angel, has visited our community twice a month. Together we are breaking down barriers and building new foundations.
  • We were already in the privileged position of having the Western Cape’s government clinic visit our area monthly, but together with Cipla and the Waitrose Foundation, Cederberg Wines also runs a private clinic for the workers weekly that identifies issues much earlier.
  • The Waitrose Foundation in London, UK, with its local office in Stellenbosch, assists us with the ongoing cancer project, Aids and HIV talks and testing, dentist visits, and personal development via a drama project.
  • 11 Little ones are now taken care of at our new day care centre by a qualified teacher and class assistant. We call them ‘Die Bergdwergies’, of course, which translates to ‘The Little Mountain Dwarves’.

We have reached out to other communities, started a workers’ committee, are rebuilding the heart of the church in the village, started hiking and playing soccer, are dancing the traditional ‘riel’, have organised end-of-harvest dinners, and celebrated Madiba, Women’s, and even Valentine’s days!

If you have worked in any of the fields mentioned above, and you have time and would like to contribute by implementing your skills, please email Pieter du Toit at or WhatsApp him on 082 785 3759.

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